Acquiring and managing your organization’s software can be particularly challenging, especially for complex licensing agreements. These require not only an understanding of the technologies being purchased, but more often than not, also legal and financial considerations, as well as specific knowledge of legislation and banking processes of the country where the licenses are being purchased. Therefore, software acquisition and management can involve not only the IT Department but the also the Procurement and Legal Departments.

Given these complexities your organization either needs to develop internal skills to have a thorough understanding of software licensing or it can partner with a company that specializes in this subject matter, thus allowing your organization to focus on its core business. This is the role that Menshen can assume as our Licensing Team can work closely with your organization to clarify the complexities of the many agreements offered by the software manufacturers we represent. Our team can help you choose the right agreement and reduce the burden of contract management to ensure that your organization has made the correct decision regarding any licensing purchase.